The Girl is one of my favourite commenters (sorry everyone, but its true!) and has a really lovely website. She replied about my little questionnaire and quite honestly, this is the greatest one I had so far just for her response to question 10. Seriously.
For those people who might not read your blog, tell us the basics about you
Don’t read my blog? Sorry don’t understand you. Ha. OBVIOUSLY I’m joking. The basics about me? I’m in my 20s (getting uncomfortably closer to 30), live in Hull and love cats and crisps. I did have a blog that was about living with my boyfriend but recently split up with him and so have just started a new blog documenting my incredibly interesting* life. I am currently deep in project Lose Weight You Fatty and have signed up the cult of Weightwatchers to help me in my endeavour. I hate to say it but so far it’s working. I did have a morbid fear of crochet but am slowly getting over it. And now I feel like I have most definitely ended up making my blog (and me) sound incredibly boring. I swear it’s not. It’s got pictures on it and everything.
*you can interpret this word loosely
Whats the most exciting thing you’re looking forward to this summer?
Unfortunately there aren’t any grand summer plans for me this year so it will be tiny little bursts of happiness to look forward to. These include a visit to Blackpool this weekend and a trip down to Torquay to see my cousin some time in August. Other than those trips there is nothing much planned, I shall generally be looking forward to getting thinner and browner (as long as the sun comes back!).
What bands/songs/albums will be the soundtrack to your summer?
This is where I show myself up as having absolutely no idea of what is cool and hip and down with the kids. I used to have Radio 1 on in the background all day at work but since moving to the windowless pit I hear nothing. There is a song I’m loving at the moment though Example – Love Kick (is that even what it’s called?!). It’s everything a summer tune should be – fun, summery and repetitive so it gets in your head (but doesn’t make you want to kill yourself.) Also I know the World Cup is now over but you know that song on the Coca Cola advert? The Wave Your Flag song? Love it. Summery and wonderful.
Where is the strangest place you’ve been on holiday?
I guess Phoenix, Arizona kind of counts as a strange place to go on holiday because it’s not traditionally where people go on holiday when they go to the States. In fact the man at passport control was most suspicious about why I was going there, I had to assure him that I was going because I was going to see friends who lived there. Incidentally I can recommend Phoenix to all people who may be reading this.
What song (old or new) instantly makes you think of summer?
Oh this is an easy one. It’s Shapeshifters – Lola’s Theme. Bloody love that song. It makes me immediately happy when I hear it because it reminds me of happy times.
Whats the most embarrassing thing thats happened to you on a holiday
Probably getting a lapdance on said holiday in Phoenix. It was my first time in a strip club and American Girl thought it would be a brilliant idea to get me a lapdance. Cue the most awkward 5 minutes of my life. I had literally no idea where to look or put myself. It was embarassing and yet possibly the funniest thing that’s ever happened to me at the same time.
Whats the best iced lolly: FAB, Magnum, Mini Milk or other?
Twisters all the way. Although if I was being a bore I’d go with those Ribena Calippo type ice lollies because they are so refreshing and so nice and don’t drip all over your hands when it gets too hot.
Did you look forward to the end of summer as a kid or did you dread going back to school?
I loved going back to school, mainly because this meant going shopping for new stationary. Have you ever seen me in a stationary shop? It’s my porn. I even used to do it at uni when there was absolutely no need to buy new stuff. It’s a ritual that has to be done. Also it was always good to get back to school to compare tans with friends (apologies, it was a private school, nearly everyone went away somewhere exotic for their holidays, guaranteeing tan envy every September).
What five things are essential for the perfect summers day?
A park
A nice breeze every so often
A good book
Anything else to add?
Why yes that is me and the Fonz in the photo above. Jealous?!
I am actually really jealous now. Follow her new blog at Just Me
If anyone else is interested in answering some questions, drop me an email – hi (at)
Ha I actually had fun reading this, mainly because I’d completely forgotten what the hell my answers were!
Aaaah fame beckons now that I’ve been featured on here.
And I’ll know how to deal with it because I can take tips from my friend…you know….the Fonz.
That was a great read. I’m a follower of “The Girl” and enjoy reading anything she cares to right about!
Wow, great post. It was fab to learn more about The Girl, and to see what she looks like!