An article from a few days ago on BBC News just caught my eye, which made me think about this issue. June Sarpong (yes, she of T4 fame, and known in my house as “the annoying one who appears between breaks in Hollyoaks”) has decided that women don’t just want trashy gossip and fashion, but we want to know whats going on in the world. So June has launched a new website, called Politics and the City (which personally I think is a terrible name, but that may be because I hate Sex and the City) which will cover politics, news, fashion, beauty, gossip and music.
Hang on, theres something missing there. Its something dear to all of our hearts, and essential to be able to follow some of these items. Yes, I’m talking about finance. As many people know, I loved my degree in Business Finance, which was a straight split between economics, and accounting and finance. The A&F side of my degree allowed me to learn about the numbers that are important, and modules such as Auditing kept my Enron geek side happy. (When you write an essay on a company for a module, its pretty worrying when you know more than the lecturer does) The economics side of my degree introduced me to macroeconomical theories, ethics (and jet-pack flying lecturers), international economics and econometrics.
I enjoy reading about economical theories even now (I know, most people forget about their degree once they take that funny cap and gown off) and read things like The Economist, the Financial Times and BBC Business News on a daily basis. But if there was a site similar to PatC (you see what I did there?) with an finance slant to it, I would be an avid subscriber.
I agree that women should have more targeted news about politics, etc, but please don’t forget about women who care about whats going on in the economy!