I try to do this every year (here’s last years version), because it reminds me of the fun and stuff I’ve done over the year when I read back over my LJ and Twitter. I’ve put the main parts under the cut, because it might not be so fun for you guys to read if you weren’t actually there!
jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec
New Year was spent at Rachael and Andys flat, with the usual crowd. Random videos were made, sparklers were waved out the window and vodka jelly was fed to Bob.
“This is real New Year!” – one of the quotes of the night!
I made a decision to move to Bristol. I told my team leader as soon as I got back to work, but had to hold off on handing in my notice until March.
I went down to Bristol to visit Louise, Nathan and Adam, for Accounting Geek Reunion ’08. Deanne and Jason were supposed to be there but told us they couldn’t make it. Which was a DAMNED LIE. Oh that was such an awesome weekend. (The pic above is of Mooses Milk. Noms.)
I was actually off work in February, not because I wanted to but because I had the lurgy. So lots of tea and Jezza Kyle was consumed. (Erm, Jezza was visually consumed, I didn’t chop him up and eat him.)
Managed to lose my mums eternity ring, which I was so upset about.
New series of Skins started, which made me want to be in Bristol even more.
Things at work became more difficult, and I felt more pressurised to hand in my notice. Actually, I did soon after this.
Went to the newly (erm, about a year or so) refurbished Red House with my Feet, and were far too excited about the taps.
Dad and Maria moved into their new pub in Frampton Cotterell
Spent far too much money in Liverpool. Possibly was not a good idea looking back considering I handed in my notice a few days later but giant Primark had tempted me so much the day after payday.
Hollyoaks was amazing. (Honestly, reading back over my Tweets has most of them saying things like “Jake, you tit. I LOVE Hollyoaks“
Visited Frampton Cotterell for the first time and stayed at the pub. Worked on the bar while everyone else went on an Egg Run to the BRI with over 300 eggs.
Drank a bottle of Newky Brown for the first time on my own annoyed my dad and made me very very drunk. Thats useful to know.
Had some interviews in Bristol for agency related jobs. I think I wanted to go into recruitment because of my previous job.
Went to Cardiff to meet one of my agencies (and did a bit of shopping, which was the main reason actually) which was very fun.
Went to Wantage to visit the Alec and the Suz, which was lovely lovely!
Left my job!
More visits to Bristol for interviews in recruitment. Started to realise I probably shouldn’t go into recruitment because I wasn’t pushy and rude enough.
Went to a housewarming in Ellesmere Port and ended up not getting home till about half 5. Felt quite old when I realised I hadn’t done that for a while (or since!)
Went crazy packing. Not that much packing got done (as usual) but seemed to spend a lot of time looking at the stuff to pack and thinking about it. Which is just as good you know.
Realised living on my own in Bristol was not a sensible idea, but Max, a friend from uni, was moving back to Bris at the same time, so we decided to live together.
Found a flat!
Started packing properly. Ugh. One the bright side, I found my ring. This pleased me far too much, but I love it!
Started blogging more on my actual website. May be directly linked to procrastination from packing.
I moved house!
I saw Jax and Andy for the first time in ages and it was AWESOME.
I was far far too excited that I now had Nickelodeon on TV, and so could watch millions of episodes of Renford Rejects.
Went to Ikea and bought far too many things.
Realised I hate Ikea because you have to find all the random bits in different boxes.
Didn’t work, and realised not working is VERY boring.
Went to Bedford for Eurovision larks.
Bought a guitar, for no real reason. Silly girl.
Dad and Maria moved pubs again, to one in Fishponds
Went to a Howies sample sale, and spent too much with Ruffle. It was awesome.
Travelled up to Chester for my sisters birthday, made fleeting visits to my old office and our local.
Started a temping job in the centre and met some new people. The job didn’t last long though.
Went shopping with Lou and Nath, realised that living in Bristol would mean I could see them lots more. This made me very happy :)
Instead of going to Glasto, I went to Lou and Naths house of awesome. It was good :)
Still jobless. Really started to get to me.
Dad and Maria got married! A very strange wedding, but then they are not exactly normal are they?
Went to see McFly in London with t’Rachel. They were AWESOME.
Went to Lou and Naths again, this time to look after their mental cat. Spent most of the time sunbathing. Wow, sun in the UK.
Was temping back at the same place as in June, but this time the job lasted a few weeks rather than a few days. Was working with my friend from last time, so we spent far too much time not doing much.
Went to see the Black Kids with Ruffle at Thekla. One of the more fun gigs I’ve been too, and not just because we sat with the band before the show. First time I have not drank at a gig, because I was ill.
Offered a long term contract with the Audit Commision, in a department and role I had no actual experience of. Of course I took it.
Went to Hobbycraft with Lou and Nath. I know this might not sound exciting, but it is the land of craft porn after all.
My Feet came down to Bristol to celebrate my 25th birthday. The weekend was awesome, two completely different nights, but both amazing in their own way.
Actually went out twice this month, once for my birthday and once because we somehow got persuaded we had to go out by a friends brother.
Ended up dancing on a table barefoot drinking vodka. Yum!
Dad and Maria moved once again to a pub in Crew’s Hole. This is hopefully a long term place.
Cabot Circus opened in Bristol and it made me want to buy many things. Oh dear.
Got very annoyed with O2 when they wouldn’t let me upgrade to the iPhone early.
Alec and Suz came to Bristol, and we had much larks.
Went to Devon to visit Adam, and travelled in first class for the first time ever. Realised that it is really the only way to travel.
Alec and Suz got married in London, and it was amazing. I saw some old friends, met some new people and drank wine sitting on the floor of a lift.
Seemed to spend most of my weekends on long train journeys.
Dinner with Lou, Nath and Adam. A lot of laughing. A lot of randomness. We were that annoying group that were quite loud. And it was good.
Went to Stitch ‘n’ Bitch for the first time. Meant to go more often but December sneaked up on me too quick.
Discovered that Spark – VitaminWater tasted like Um Bongo and made me very hyper. Useful to know.
Caught up with Jax and pulled many many silly faces in the style of Louis Walsh.
Not much happened in December, but went back to Chester weekend before Christmas for Four Feet gatherings, coffee with Bryn and Faye and to visit my Mums grave.
Christmas Day was spent at the pub, which was unusual and fun.
Managed to injure myself quite a bit. Which was not fun or unusual.
Dinner with Lou and Nath again, which was just as fun as last month.