My friend Nathan is one of the bravest people I know. I mean, he kinda has to be considering his job (he is a lieutenant in the Navy) and who he is married to (ha! I love you Loulou, but you are very very scary sometimes) However, despite his bravery, there is one thing Nath […]
Archives for May 2009
How To Make A Pot Of Tea
Who knew tea bags were so exciting?
I know, I know. I’ve said many times before about how much I love Polaroids.And although many people complain about the crappyness of the camera on the iPhone, I still use it because its just so handy to be able to upload it to Twitpic or onto this blog. Unfortunatly sometimes the pictures from the […]
Eight Years
originally uploaded by ConsumedbyCake – who has some delicious cakes on her Flickr! Eight years is a long time. Last week was the eighth anniversary of me blogging in some form. The last time I wrote any sort of post celebrating a blogging anniversary was back in 2006, which was the fifth anniversary. That was […]