With more and more people now becoming iPhone (or iPod Touch) owners, I thought I would share which apps I use on a daily basis

Ping – This is probably my current favourite app, and I’ve only been using it a few days! Its probably easiest to compare it to a text messaging service, except that its free (and whilst its in its trial period, the app is free as well). Its also been compared to BlackBerry Messenger (haven’t actually used it myself – would love a iPhone version, but its never going to happen is it?)
Yes, its got a few problems at the moment (messages not updating, and the odd wiggly text input bit) but I can live with those (well, maybe). If you’ve got Ping!, my id is hayles (well, of course!)
iTunes store link | Similar apps: AIM, eBuddy

Echofon – I use Twitter a LOT (you know, if you hadn’t already worked that out?) and have tried out quite a few apps, but I keep going back to Twitterfon (recently renamed Echofon). Its a nice, easy to use app for Twitter and does pretty much everything I want to do on Twitter! It would be nice to have groups, but I can just use Brizzly if I want to catch up with those I’m following in that way. Theres also a free version so you can see if its what you want – if only some other apps did the same (Tweetie, I’m looking at you. I’m still annoyed I paid for you.)
iTunes store link(pro) | Similar apps: Tweetie, Twitterriffic

Shake It Photo – The iPhone 3G camera is pretty good, but not amazing. With an app like Shake It Photo, it can make the pictures look better. I’ve used this app quite a few times for pictures when blogging from my phone, just to make them look a bit neater!
iTunes store link

Geared – I’m not really a games playing sort of girl (my fascination with games on mobile phones pretty much ended with Snake on my Nokia 3210) but Geared is one of those games I can just pick up and do one quick level whilst waiting for the bus. The only other game I even bother to play is Flight Control – it seems pretty simple at first, but then its really addictive and difficult!
iTunes store link | Similar apps: Flight Control

My O2 – Pretty simple this, it’s an app from O2 where it tells you your remaining balance for minutes and texts. I had been using one that I paid for (Mobile Allowance), but this is a bit neater, and I like that its an official app.
iTunes store link

WordPress – This is a great app if you’re using WordPress to run your blog (I’m not sure if it works for wordpress.com hosted accounts, but it does work for self hosted sites like this one) Its a basic sort of app which allows you to update blog entries and pages, as well as approving comments (and marking others as spam).
iTunes store link

Net A Porter – I both love and hate this app. I love it because SHOES, PRETTY SHOES. I hate it because it reminds me that I can’t afford anything from net-a-porter.com.
iTunes store link | Similar apps: Nylon

About Battery – This free app gives you a better indication about how much battery life you still have left. I’m always getting caught out by my battery life, and my iPhone seems to die at the most inconvenient times!
iTunes store link

Facebook – You kinda have to include Facebook when talking about most used apps. I don’t really go on there much on my main computer as its so much easier to check details on the iPhone. The new version is a lot better – you can actually see events and that!
iTunes store link | Similar apps: LinkedIn
where… is iDaft…