So its (thankfully?) the end of the festive season. The fir trees are bare, and waiting half bald at the side of the road for the bin men to take them away, the recycling bins are full of random alcohol bottles (advocaat anyone?) and the wallets are empty, because we all overspent on presents and in the sales. Hope you all had great holidays :)
Mine was quite different to usual, but still rather fun. I went over to my step-mum’s pub in Fishponds on Christmas Eve, where my Dad and I propped up the bar all evening. My sister stayed up in Chester this year, the first time she hasn’t been with the rest of us at Christmas :(
We opened our presents sitting on Dad’s bed on Christmas morning (still a tradition, even if I’m 26!) before heading downstairs to open up the pub. There were people waiting outside at half 11, waiting for us to open at 12 – a sign of how busy we were that lunchtime!
Because of my wrist, I couldn’t help out serving behind the bar, so ended up on glass collecting duty. Oh the joy. Still, I wore one of my favourite dresses with a pair of beautiful shoes, which made me far too happy.
We had people still in the pub at quarter to 3 – which is when my step-mum got a little annoyed and shouted for them to get out because she wanted her dinner! (they’re locals, so they weren’t offended!) It annoyed me how people seemed to be so selfish, they forgot that it was our Christmas as well!
We had an epic dinner, with a few people Dad and my step-mum knew would otherwise be alone for Christmas. The sofas were then pulled round next to the bar and we watched the awesomeness that was the first parter of Dr Who.
I came back to my house on Boxing Day – theres only so much of the family I can take!
On Monday, I had to oversee the pub (basically sit at the bar and do nothing, boring!) so persuaded my Dad to take me shopping so I could buy my cute little netbook. I chose the Dell Mini 10V, partly because I read that you can “hackintosh” it. However, I’m far too lazy to do that, and so popped Windows 7 on there. Yeah, I know. I’m a Mac girl at heart, but it was so much more easier to upgrade Windows! (Also, it amuses me that my Macs are both white, but the Windows netbook is black. Theres a whole good and bad thing going on there, but I’m lazy like that)
Tuesday, I headed over to Bath, for tea at the Tea House Emporium with Julian and Ally before Alex picked me up. I only meant to stay at his for a night or so, but ended up staying till Sunday night!
We stayed in on New Years Eve, like most people I think. Old episodes of Dr Who (Christopher Eccleston era), champagne, Jagerbombs (bleh) and cheese&biscuits and attempts to play on the Wii took us into 2010. (By the way, sprained wrist and Wii? Baaaaaaaaaaaaad idea. Although possibly one of the few times Alex could beat me :D)
I headed into Bath alone on Saturday morning, and hit the sales, getting a few bargains for a change! I had run out of clothes for the next day at this point, so bought a complete new outfit for less than £30 (including underwear and even pjamas!). Total girl logic – I could have gone back to Bristol and picked up new clothes for the cost of a £3.80 return train ticket, or buy a whole new outfit for £30ish.
I was in Ann Summers (since they own Knickerbox, they have much nicer giant bras than La Senza!) and managed to knock down an entire rail of bras, right by the entrance. Sigh. And no one helped me pick it up either. Bastards.
Sadly, I was back in work today, which meant getting up at half 6. HALF SIX IN THE MORNING. I had (happily) forgotten that time had existed!
So, next holiday to get excited about is Easter. 3 months till the next bank holiday. Booo!
We still had the opening-the-presents-on-my-Dad’s-bed tradition until a couple of years ago when Tim objected. Men, huh?! Glad your Christmas went well. x