Happy New Year! Its 2010, which still seems like a ridiculously far off in the future date. Honestly, I say 2010, and I start thinking about how I should have a jetpack. Commuting would be so much more fun with a jetpack, and I wouldn’t be dependent on First Bus Bristol (I will try to resist the urge to tell you about how much I love them)
So, last year, I made some resolutions:
- To explore this amazing city fully
I think I’ve done reasonably well with this, I know my local area a bit better than I did before and I’ve even ventured over to Bath once or twice. - To get out and meet lots of new people
Although I didn’t make it to any Twitter meetups, I have met quite a few people that I follow and even managed to meet the boyfriend via Twitter (quite accidentally tbh). And, although I would never have expected it, I have even met quite a few bloggers, via UKLB and Uncover Aussie. - To take at least 1 photo every day
Yeah, that didn’t happen! I took so few photos last year, its something thats quite annoyed me actually! I seemed to use my iPhone for the majority of my pictures as well. - To become more financially stable
It wasn’t until September that I actually tried to make a start on this resolution. I still feel like I’m failing on this, but its definitely something that is ongoing - To keep in contact with my family more
Thanks Facebook. Now even my dad and my 80-odd year old great uncle (who has an EPIC Santa style beard going on at the moment apparently from the photos) are on there, making this resolution much easier. My Nana loves that we are all talking much more now! - To use my craft supplies
I started the year well with crafting, but because I was starting to feel unsafe walking to Stitch n Bitch, I stopped going which meant I had no motivation to craft. Its all under the stairs at the moment, oh dear. - To drop a dress size and be more toned
My weight fluctuated throughout the year and I seem to be about the same as I was this time last year. Lets face it though, I’m a girl, I’ll never be happy with my weight! - To take part in the Race for Life (and raise more than last time)
I’m pleased to say that yes, I did run (actually run!) the Race for Life, and managed to raise £210, falling slightly short of my £250 goal, but still more than last time.
So, this years resolutions?
- To find a job that I enjoy
One of the things thats made me quite sad over the past few months is that I’m temping in a role I don’t particularly enjoy, and that doesn’t challenge me. (Yeah, I know, I sound like I’m justifying it in an interview). I need to work out what I’m good at and what I want to do! - To work towards paying my debts off.
Always a fun one that. But with a better paying job, maybe I could do that! - To blog more
So I may have bought a cute Dell Mini 10V with part of my Christmas money (thanks Daddy!) which is a great sized netbook that can be chucked into my bag. This may surprise people that know what a “Mac Whore” (not my words!) I am, but its running Windows 7 which I don’t completely hate yet. Blogging should be a lot easier now when I’m out – WordPress on the iPhone is nice enough, but sometimes a proper keyboard is needed to bash out this crap! (Technical term, of course) - To make decisions.
According to the boyfriend, I am terrible at making decisions, from where we should go that evening to what I want to drink (Tea, obviously.) He has challenged me to make more decisions which fills me with a slight amount of dread. - To get better at giving directions
My friends that drive hate it when I am in the car with them directing them where we are going, mostly because they say I will point at a road and say “oh, you should have gone down there”. I disagree with them, and am an amazing navigationalist, but even so, I will try to be a bit better at it!
I wonder how many of these I’ll keep…
* As for the title? In Roman numerals, 2010 is MMX. Oh the things you learn from watching TV credits.
Want to see older resolutions posts? I’ve been writing these since 2009, and you can find them all here
Good luck with this years resolutions!
I don’t make them as I don’t need more things to worry about failing at!
Excellent resolutions and I reckon, all achievable. Possibly. Maybe.
I don’t make them I’m afraid, I just try and tell myself I need to be prepared for whatever life’s going to throw at me next. That takes up far too much time to be bothering with extra resolutions on top of that!
You missed out seeing more of the friends you left when you headed to the big city!