It seems that everywhere you look these days, everything is in 3D.
Well, duh, of course.
What I mean by that is, from movies to tv’s, games consoles to magazines, 3D is the technology du jour.
Magazines? That doesn’t seem right?
This weeks issue of Grazia is a first apparently, where AR (augmented reality) codes will be placed next to articles, ready to be snapped on a phone or computer with the relevant app which will then redirect the user to a video, webpage – whatever.
It’s an interesting use, particulary as this is a market that (in the UK at least) has only recently started to take advantage of the growing number of smart phones in our grasp.
However in reality, its quite disappointing. Despite Grazia promoting within the magazine that “ooh, you can do all this on your iPhone”, it doesn’t seem like anyone mentioned this to the app developers. Which, to be honest, is quite annoying. The magazine promotes how you can look at a 360 degree view of the products on certain pages, watch videos of how to do a smoky eye look, and look at various other fashion type things, but the app only seems to know how to play “You Got The Love” by the cover star, Florence Welch. Even the “bonus features” that are actually in the app, such as the gimmick of blowing into the mic to make Florence spin around didn’t work for me, and once again I ended up listening to “You Got The Love”, a song which quite honestly, I’m bored of now!
Its a good idea, and I’d love to see this as a regular feature in magazines, but the iPhone app needs a lot more work! If you want to have a go at this, this is the latest issue of Grazia and should be available till Monday 29th March
Laura says
I tried this with my webcam and thought it was crap! It’s not really 3D, more like some bonus content?
I was expecting 3D glasses and Florence in my living room!
.-= Laura´s last blog ..Using my least used MAC shadows =-.