Diet Coke, you’ve annoyed me SO much about your stereotyping of women, I am jabbing this angrily while I walk home. (Albeit with a can in my other hand)
Really? So, only women drink Diet Coke? (I think Neil would disagree!) Women love pink and leopard print (I like pink, but can’t stand leopard print – so tacky!)
I almost bought the “manly” Coke Zero just to avoid having to drink 12 cans that would clash with my outfit.
OK, that was girly.
It’s true – real men drink Diet Coke too. I’m not a fan of the leopard print either, but Becca was pretty excited when she saw the design. It takes all sorts.
Also, what’s the silly ticky box under this comment form meant to do? It seems to be showing the first item from the first feed on my site, but why? What will it do if I leave it ticked? What will it do if I untick it?
I think I’m going to… leave it ticked. Wish me luck :)
.-= Neil Crosby´s last blog ..Bruce Rushin’s £2 Coin (1998) =-.
If you untick it, your blog will explode.
All this is doing is promoting diet pepsi.
‘Diet Pepsi the diet cola drink that doesn’t look like someone has had a nose bleed on the can.’
Live a little, come and join me with a Pepsi Max. A far superior sugar free drink.(however full fat coke should never be traded for Pepsi, on pain of death….harsh but for your own good in the long run)
P.S. Although you are a girl I believe you can actually eat a Yorkie* – frankly I think it might be a marketing ploy and you should stick to Galaxy chocolate which is far superior.
* The chocolate bar, not the small snappy dogs. They tend to bite your tongue when you try to eat them ….There a vicious like that
.-= BlackLOG´s last blog ..No way or I’ll wail, 3D the way forward and photo disaster =-.
I really hate this sort of thing, how do we appeal to women? Oh I know, we paint it pink. At least they’re bothering trying to market things to women though I guess… I hated those yorkie adverts a while back that you weren’t allowed to complain about because otherwise everyone would think it was political correctness gone mad… Urgh!
.-= Harriet´s last blog .. =-.
I LOVE pink but that can is just not pretty.
Florrie x
.-= Intrinsically Florrie´s last blog ..Bag lady =-.
That coke can looks horrific. But, if I liked the taste of diet coke, I’d probably still buy it. I drink diet Vimto – it actually tastes of fruit, hurrah!
Those yorkie ads were marketed at guys AND girls. Guys bought because yorkie seemed manly, girls bought in defiance. Win -win for the company! (And yes, I was fooled by it and bought several yorkie bars before realising)
.-= Claire Q´s last blog ..How recipes should be. For people like me. This is how I think about cooking. =-.