I think I’ve mentioned before that I love old fashioned styled telephones. I have a beautiful cream one (with proper bells in it!) but have moved house and no longer have a land line. I’ve tried to find a box to plug the phone into that would allow me to use it with my iPhone (like a Bluetooth headset thing? Does such a thing exist?) but the only thing I found was about 3 times the cost of my iPhone. No chance.
At the same time, I’m sure you’ve heard of the problems with the iPhone 4, and how holding it a certain way will affect the signal strength (or perceived signal strength)
Perhaps this phone will solve both of my issues
These phones cost about $200 each (and $60 to ship to the UK) but I’m still quite tempted. I even love that there appears to be an app to turn the phone into a rotary dial!
Wow, that’s fabulous, I’d probably be really tempted to if I had an iPhone!
Surely if you’ve got the intervex, just get a VoIP thingamajiggy and plug your old phones into it? sipgate.co.uk are good