The Girl recently commented on my Filofax post with:
“You have Paperchase by your office? Hello my name is jealous”
And yes, when I didn’t work near a Paperchase, I’d have thought it was the greatest thing ever (the nearest ones being in House of Fraser which back in t’day (ok…two years ago) weren’t open past 6pm or in Borders (which was a crap one anyway))
But now? Its a DANGER.
You might convince yourself that you’re going to pop in and ONLY come out with a birthday card for someone. Then somehow between going in and paying, you’ve ended up with £15 of stuff (I’ve done that)
Paperchase (and stationary in general) is an addiction. Its like crack. In fact, crack would be a better addiction to have, because then I wouldn’t end up with piles of pretty notebooks with nothing written in them because
- They’re far too pretty to write in
- I don’t know what to write in them
- I’m a geek, I write everything on my iPhone anyway (or in my Filofax of course)
It tempts me every day with its swish colour changing logo and pretty things in the window. The bastard.
You see this is the beauty of living in the world’s rubbishest city (only joking Hull you know I love you!), we don’t even have a whiff of a Paperchase. Not even a concession. The closest one is in York and that’s a good 45 minutes – 1 hour away.
I love the pretty notebooks the best. The one time I even brought myself to write in one. And then I had to cross something out and self-flagellated for an hour because I’d RUINED the prettiness.
Also. No christmas trip to Manchester each year would be complete without me buying some ridiculous christmas decoration and my wrapping paper from Paperchase.
Chester paperchase is rubbish. Though I do like the adorable cat stuff thats in the window at the moment. Wouldn’t buy them though – for that price I can get Hello Kitty, and add to the vast collection of useless Hello Kitty crap that I’ve acquired.
I love paperchase more than I love disco. And I flipping love disco.