So I was complaining on Twitter for a change that I was seriously bored one lunchtime. I think I was avoiding going out because it was the University of Bristol‘s open day which meant clueless kiddies and their even more clueless parents invading the area around my office (You may think I’m being harsh, but I saw some people who weren’t sure how to get off the bus, some who couldn’t cross the road and a friend in a nearby office saw a parent almost get beaten up when he walked to the front of a long queue at the cashpoint. There’s just no hope is there?)
I was about to give up all hope of finding anything to entertain me when into my inbox popped an email from Amy from Wolf Whistle who’s currently interning with Material PR with the Gogo Philip lookbook attached. I have to admit, I hadn’t heard of Gogo Philip before, but now I think I want everything. Thanks.
How gorgeous is this necklace? I can quite easily see myself wearing this, it would sit quite nicely along my collar bone.
I’ve never really been into these snake-y sort of necklace but I like this one for some reason!
This necklace would look quite cool with some others all piled on, or maybe just on its own over a white top?
Out of these three hand gestures, I think I prefer the “OK” one (on the left). The “peace” and crossed fingers just look a bit strange to me! (Also, the peace one could totally be used as a way of swearing. Yeah, I’m grown up)
I love anything with swallows on (I blogged about it 2 years ago and things haven’t changed much!) and I especially like these, because they look like clip on earrings rather than pierced ones.
After I’d marked out which items in the look book I loved (that would be 90% of them then?), I looked at my bank account and sighed. Later on that week, Amy then offered to send me an item – lovely! I don’t think I could have chosen one, so I narrowed it down to silver and dainty, and I received this necklace a few days later.
(I now realise after this photo how gross my neck is. Thanks camera. Thanks a lot for making me notice that.)
Its a silvery chain with pearl beads and flat bits with chain in between. I’ve been wearing it quite a bit for work lately, because its nice and simple and the colours go with pretty much my entire work wardrobe!
Gogo Philip can be found in a few Topshop stores (sadly not Bristol yet!) and online at
Yey – thanks for the post!
It can also be found at, just in case anyone cares. :)