Well, this is awkward, dear blog.
I’ve been neglecting you. Ironically, so I can write about blogging. I’m sorry. Let’s be friends again?
For those who have no idea what I’m on about, or for those who have missed out on me talking about it (what feels like) constantly on Twitter, I’ve been busy the past few months, and super busy the past few weeks.
OK, so it’s only self published, and the version up on Amazon at the moment isn’t quite as finished as I would like, but I wrote it. I wrote 20,000+ words (over twenty flipping thousand words – probably more than I wrote in essays in my entire degree) and I’m going to be writing some more (which I’ll republish and make sure everyone who has a copy so far gets – because it’s kinda sucky when new versions of things come out the day after you bought the old one)
I’ve been working on this book since before Christmas, writing bits before work, in lunch, while on the bus – everywhere and anywhere I could, I wrote things. But then I realised that the problem with a book is that it isn’t updated as soon as something happens. While writing the book, I had to change things I’d written to account for sites closing down, sites being merged and just things not doing what they used to. I will aim to update the book when major things happen, but for certain things like explaining how to do something, a website works better. (Especially the way I like to explain things, with lots of pictures and screenshots. That just couldn’t work on Kindle)
bonjourblogger.com (and indeed the book) were created because while I love sites like IFB and iFabbo, I didn’t really feel like they were catering to their audiences very well. Both sites assume that all bloggers will want to become professional full time bloggers, but every blogger I’ve asked are just happy to bumble along and if they make some money, awesome!
I felt like there needed to be a more central sort of place that bloggers could find out tutorial style things (maybe you’re wondering about how to make a Google map of your favourite places or how to remove the WordPress admin user – which I didn’t really know until I did it recently!) or have discussions that are a bit more than just a tweet or two (like whether you’re disclosing everything you should be).
I’d really love it if you followed bonjourblogger.com – and if you have anything that needs to be answered (or you want to give some information out to other bloggers), I would love to hear from you too!
@gothick says
“@hayles: Introducing: Bonjour, Blogger! http://t.co/4PL0Pjhcx7” <— That @hayles wrote a book.
Kelly says
Well done you, I’m loving the sound of Bonjour Blogger and hope it’ll be a massive success for you. Very inspiring!
And as long as you have time to eat all the pulled porks then it’s alright isn’t it. :)
Harriet says
congratulations! definitely heading over there asap!
Maria says
SO excited for you, this is such a massive project and I love what you have done so far! :)
Maria xxx
Becca says
I have bought the book on my Kindle and had a peek at the new website, it’s brilliant! Well done you, you should be very proud!
I’m going to kickstart my blog properly again and actually look after it (unlike my houseplants)and this is so helpful!
shipshapebristolfashion says
WOOP! Well done Hayley, very exciting. I think there should be a launch party with cake and gin, stat! ; )
Hayley Constantine says
Free next Bank Hol?
Nose in a book says
I somehow missed this happening completely but it sounds like a fab book and project! I am totally going to check out the website now…