Blah blah blah, haven’t blogged, blah blah, Bonjour, Blogger! takes up all my time, blah blah, words, excuses, nonsense. What? I’m just getting the boring intro bit out the way so I can show you some photos. You’re welcome Vee Double Moo, the best fro-yo (and so conveniently around the corner from my office) Harts […]
Archives for 2014
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Odd dog
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Would you rather be a world champion nose flute player or be fluent in Klingon?
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Day off, so working on making a big list of blog categories. Can’t think of any more now!
What sort of person goes to a blogging conference, gives a talk there then doesn’t talk about it for a month? This girl *wiggles thumbs* I have a post half written about something I discussed at lunch at Blognix, but for some reason, I kept pushing back this post of what actually happened. I’m such […]