Alex and I have lived together for nearly 9 years but it is only since implementing these two things that
A Joint Email Address
This has honestly been the most useful thing ever! We have a specific email address set up and any things that relate to the house can be sent there. It’s an email address that forwards any emails sent there to both of our personal email addresses, which means that any bill reminders are seen by both of us, any receipts (places like Home Depot can email receipts to you, and once you’ve set it up once, it will remember which email address you use when you pay with the same debit/credit card) and any other things relating to the house are in both of our accounts.
Having a separate email address means we can set up things like Netflix and utility accounts and share the password in 1Password (which leads me on to the next item!)
We have a personal domain but this would be easy (and free!) to set up with a
I also have it set up so I can send emails from that email address (an alias) which makes it easier to send out emails to people like our landlord’s agent and so both of us will get the reply.
Sharing Passwords
Alex has been using 1Password for years and has encouraged me to use it so I don’t end up using the same password for multiple things. Our 1Password setup means that we have our own personal space for passwords, etc, but also a shared space where we can share passwords for things like Netflix.
1Password also has a feature which allows you to share credit card details which if you have a joint account (separate to your personal account) would allow you to pay for things online using the card number for that account.
I’m not sure if you have to pay for the sharing feature, but I don’t think it’s ridiculously expensive.
One of the nicest features in iOS 12 that I didn’t notice in the beta is that you can automatically get usernames and passwords from your chosen password manager, which makes things much easier.
These two tips are coming from me as a couple, but this would also make living with flat mates easier as well – no one would have any excuse for not seeing a certain email because you know it’s gone to everyone!