Oh hello there! I felt like it had been a while since you had seen my face in your timeline and I thought I’d reintroduce myself in case you don’t know who I am!
My name is Hayley and I am a blogger. I have two blogs – ceriselle.org which is my personal “doing/thinking/wanting” site and bonjourblogger.com (@bonjourblogger) which is a site that helps bloggers make their own site and socials even more amazing
I’m from the UK (hometown is Chester, university in Aberystwyth, lived for 9 years in Bristol) and moved to Bellevue (just outside Seattle, WA) in June 2017. I moved with my husband Alex (still weird saying that) for his work, and we came here with our three spaniels, Fern, Jill and Jess (who you can find tons more pictures of at @spaniel.wtf)
I guess I’m technically a full-time blogger these days, but back in the UK, I was an accounts payable minion for a property management company. I spent most of my days thinking about what to eat for lunch though!
Some quick facts about me:
I have one younger sister who still lives in the house we grew up in
I have a birthmark at the top of my leg that’s about the size of two 50ps
I only passed my driving test after moving to the US (I failed my theory test twice as a teenager because I was too busy thinking about boys)
I never visited Seattle before landing here with a one way ticket…it’s a good job I loved it!
I have been blogging since 2001…thankfully those old blog posts are only available at archive.org
Tell me something I don’t know about you!