Baked Potato changed my life
Baked Potato showed me the way
If you want to know what is wrong from right
You must listen to what Potato say
Being in a different country to the one I grew up in, it’s weird because I’ll make a reference to something and then I have to explain the reference. (and to be fair, I have to do this half the time with Alex anyway because he didn’t watch much TV when he was a kid)
Back in the 90’s, comedy on TV was weird. There was a show on at dinner time where a bloke with a massive paper mache head would ask questions (I have had to look this up, it was called Remote Control and thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can watch a TV show from 28 years ago). Another show had a man in a babygro and a giant bird that they coo’d at. On that show, the man dressed as a baby sang a song about baked potato which I had totally forgotten about until recently when he re-recorded it with new lyrics about washing hands and keeping your distance.
So what does a song by George Dawes have to do with soup? Nothing, except I CAN’T GET THAT BLOODY SONG OUT OF MY HEAD.
Anyway. I made this soup ages ago, and I have just remembered it and now the song is stuck in my head again and I want to eat this soup. It’s fairly store cupboard friendly (the sour cream isn’t super necessary tbh, you could probably substitute Philly or just leave it out), quite low waste (the only bits you wouldn’t really use are the roots of the green onions, but isn’t everyone regrowing theirs at the moment?) and honestly it’s worth making just to have the peelings because they are an excellent snack, especially if you’re terrible at peeling and there are thick bits of potato.
(Trying out a new recipe plugin here – let me know what you think!)