March is always the time of year that I think about blogging more, since it’s when I started on this journey many years ago. (It does scare me a bit when I think about how my blog life is old enough to drink in the US.)
This year, we’ve seen people shutting down their blogs/websites to focus on other platforms or just to get off social media altogether, but we’ve also seen people advocating for a return to blogging (off the top of my head, I’ve seen posts by @carly and on @verge, but if you know of others, I would love to read!). We’ve also seen in recent months what a clusterfuck social media is becoming (I mean…more than usual/expected) with whatever the hell is going on with Twitter.
Personally, I hope we do see a comeback to blogging – not just for the selfish reason that I want more good stuff to read, but because I hope influencers are finally starting to pay attention to the fact that you don’t own your space on social media and that increasingly, it’s looking like there may be a paid element to having an account – so why not pay for your own space?
(and honestly? I think a huge part in the decline of the number of actively updated blogs is to do with the demise of Google Reader (no, I’m still not over it) and the crumbling state of the abandoned Bloglovin’. Web based RSS feed readers that have a basic free version are few and far between, I can only think of Feedly at the moment but even that’s not amazing. Would love some recommendations!)
How do most people still follow blogs anyway? What do you use?