As soon as the weather turns even the slightest bit sunny and warm, I have to put my favourite floral dresses on. Theres something about spring that makes me want to dress like a garden and drink tea out of beautiful tea cups. Here are a few dresses that I need in my wardrobe now […]
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The joys of power cuts
Review: Sweet Valley Confidential
I, like most girls my age, pretty much grew up with the Wakefield twins (just in an oddly parallel universe kinda way where they were 12 one moment and 16 the next but always, always, remaining perfect) When I heard that a new book, Sweet Valley Confidential was to be released in 2011, I was […]
Affiliate Linking
I thought that I’d write this post mainly to see if it (the first half anyway!) will help any one. As always, if you have any questions, let me know! Affiliate schemes are a way of providing a link to something online, with the potential to generate income. For every sale generated from a link, […]
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View from my office window.