Wearable planters. Thats not me mistyping, you can have a little piece of greenery hanging around your neck. These pretty little planters are designed by Colleen Jordan and printed on a 3D printer (a bit of an obsession of mine at the moment, I’m fascinated with watching YouTube videos of things being printed!) Why should […]
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Dog bed made – I think she likes it!
Brit Awards
Last night was the Brit Awards. Last night was the first time in a long time I didn’t watch the Brit Awards. I’ve been a big fan of the Brits since Take That were a five piece the first time around, and have watched most shows since the early 90’s. When I was younger, I’d […]
Exciting Weekend!
Apologies for the slightly grumpy post on Wednesday. I was in such a blah mood, feeling really sorry for myself. Yesterday was much better though, I went for a four (and a bit!) mile walk, then hopped on the Wii Fit for half an hour, and felt so much better! It might be a coincidence […]
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The best road name in Bristol