As many of my friends would tell you, I love old fashioned fashions. I also adore dressing up. So when a newsletter from appeared, collecting lots of things under the banner Vintage Wedding Style, I squealed in excitement. Here are a few of my choices of dresses that I wish I could wear every […]
Angry Birds – Apt Name
My first games console was one of the original game boys, but I’d been playing things like centipede and space invaders on my atari (painstakingly loaded from a cassette drive. Kids today have no idea of slow loading times.) However, I wouldn’t really class myself as a gamer. I have no patience with games, and […]
This Week
This week has been pretty quiet really, which is nice sometimes! Saturday was spent at Cabot Circus – I don’t normally head to the shopping areas of town at the weekend, and was reminded why! Toooooo many people getting in my way! Sunday, the Wife and I met with Zoe and James for some nomnomTillos […]
Question Time: Zoe
I first spoke to Zoe a few months after she got married to my old housemate from Uni, James. We found that we got on really well, and she still keeps telling him off for not inviting me to their wedding! She has become one of my favourite blogger friends, and understands all the silly […]
The Girl recently commented on my Filofax post with: “You have Paperchase by your office? Hello my name is jealous” And yes, when I didn’t work near a Paperchase, I’d have thought it was the greatest thing ever (the nearest ones being in House of Fraser which back in t’day (ok…two years ago) weren’t open […]