It seems that everywhere you look these days, everything is in 3D. Well, duh, of course. What I mean by that is, from movies to tv’s, games consoles to magazines, 3D is the technology du jour. Magazines? That doesn’t seem right? This weeks issue of Grazia is a first apparently, where AR (augmented reality) codes […]
Loser Kid
There are a few things that I’ve not quite gotten round to telling the boyfriend yet. I know all the dance routine to “Could It Be Magic” by Take That When I was a teenager, I used to want to be Buffy. Like, style wise. I could do without the staking vampires thing, thank you […]
Review: The Bounty Hunter
Theres a website called See Film First, which I am a member of. It gives away tickets for advance screenings of films. I signed up for it a while ago, but either the film offered wasn’t something I was particularly interested in, or it clashed with prior arrangements (always the way :( ) However, when […]
In A Strop
source Good morning lovely people! How are you? Did you have a good weekend? I had a rather unproductive weekend. On Friday night, Alex and I headed down to Louise and Nathans house (aka the Wife and the Lord) as they were having a dinner party for some of Lou’s ex colleagues. We got there […]
Review: Petite Belle
I had just finished reading Belle de Jours third book, “Playing the Game” when I saw Kate’s review of “Petite Anglaise“, by Catherine Sanderson. It reminded me that particular book was sitting on my bookshelf and had only been read once, so I picked it up and read. If you didn’t already know, both books […]