With the super sad (but exciting for her!) news that SJ is moving this month to San Francisco, we’re all feeling like we need to squish in as much quality Bristol blogger babe time in with her as possible. The invite from TGI Friday’s Cabot Circus to come and check out their new menu items […]
An Evening With Neals Yard
So a couple of weeks ago, I headed off to an apartment on the river for an evening with Neals Yard. Of course I had heard of the brand before, but this was the first time I had gotten up close and personal with it. Instead of the typical event in store, the event was […]
In standard acronym terms, KISS stands for keep it simple, stupid. In terms of this bag however, KIS stands for keep it safe. I was late night browsing Kickstarter (I totally pledged for this awesome water balloon Kickstarter) and spotted this on the Bristol page. I wouldn’t normally share Kickstarters (mostly because everyone already knows […]
Harvey Nichols SS14
Last week, I was kindly invited to go to the Harvey Nichols SS14 fashion show. Having never been before, I had no idea what to expect, but I picked up my camera and met the girls for a few glasses of champagne. Warning: There are a lot of photos in this post, but try to […]
Cabot Circus HoF Christmas
In a rare move from me (ha), this post is long overdue. In fact, according to my drafts folder, I edited and uploaded these images in November but December was a bit of a busy month for me and I forgot all about it. So let’s pretend that this isn’t a late post but more […]