I’ve seen mentions of the “Fairy Hobmother” from Appliances Online before, but hadn’t really paid attention until I recieved an email after commenting on Becs blog post about stroopwafels. She was sent a voucher for Amazon and bought a stroopwafel maker. Stroopwafel. Strooooooooopwafel. Its a satisfying word to say, and a very satisfying thing to […]
Easy Peasy Cinnamon Rolls
I feel a bit embarrassed calling this a recipe. Its honestly the easiest thing to make, I actually had all these things in my cupboards (which considering how bare they were, was amazing) Since seeing this recipe for cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread, I’ve been wanting to make something like this, but recipes with huge ingredient lists scare […]
Flipping Yummy!
Good ol’Shrove Tuesday*. Every year, I used to have to phone my mum on this Tuesday night, get her to tell me how to make pancakes, and then somehow I’d manage to cock them up, but still end up with something edible. There was the year in halls where I didn’t even have a mixing […]
Mmm, Food
Since Asda is good/evil enough to have Haagen-Dazs on special offer (£2 for a tub, om nom nom nom), we seem to have accumulated enough ice cream for a small army (or four girls) My favourite of these flavours is the Dulce du Leche, which is a caramelly swirled ice cream, and is possibly better […]