Todays post is a break from the norm. My friend Siân mentioned last week on Twitter that she would be doing a radio interview for the charity that she does a lot of work for, C.R.Y. (Cardiac Risk in the Young). I had been meaning to ask her to write a post about this for […]
Daily Life
Posts that don't really belong anywhere, just things about my everyday life!
Nails Inc Giveaway – Winner!
Remember this post? (You should do, it was only last week, and I’ve been tweeting enough about it) I finally drew a winner. Yay! The lovely Jen from A Little Bird was number 42 on my randomised list (can you tell I asked a geek to choose a number? Hi Bryn!) There’s not much more […]
Follow Friday
By the time you read this post, I’m on a boat! Aaaaand, its going fast aaaaaaand, I got a nautical themed pashmina afgaaaaaaan train. (Thats just not as interesting is it.) I’m off to London for the night, with the lovely ladies at Aussie who are treating my fellow Angels to a fabulous firework display […]
Thank You!
I was going through my Google Reader t’other day and saw a post from Charlotte saying that Nails Inc had a special offer for one day only, where you could get 10 nail varnishes for £25. Considering that they normally cost £11 each, this was a bargain, especially with the discount code Charlotte thoughtfully provided […]
House of Cupcakes
Quiz time! What food do bloggers apparently live off? If you answered cupcakes, then yes, you win a cupcake! When one of my old colleagues, Paul (whose personal blog, Dance Like A Dad, is very amusing) mentioned that his wife was going to start making cupcakes to sell, another colleague, Nick, suggested sending me some […]