Clifton in 20mm #2 by slimmer_jimmer So, a champagne fulled chat with Lydia and Lil at the Aussie Frizz Miracle Mad Hatters Tea Party (what a mouthful!) set off the idea of organising a bloggers meet up in Bristol Why Bristol? Well, it seems that theres a lot of beauty and fashion type bloggers who […]
Daily Life
Posts that don't really belong anywhere, just things about my everyday life!
HoF Update
What a crazy week. After sending my personal shopper post to House of Fraser, and the subsequent comment from a member of their staff, I was emailed by the executive director of brand who had seen all your comments and blog posts about the item. (Thank you SO much by the way – I was […]
HoF Fail!
So, yesterday, I published a blog post telling you all about my experience with the personal shopper at House of Fraser. Why? Because that is what I do! This blog recently passed its 9th year of life, and its known (if you’e in desperate need to classify it) as a female lifestyle blog. Its me, […]
Personal Shoppers – Help or Hinderance?
So on Wednesday, I had the day off, and spent it meeting up with Jess and Michaela. I was on the hunt for an outfit for the Frizzy Aussie Angels party (which I must blog about!) I didn’t really know what I wanted to wear, but I knew that I wanted something reasonably casual – […]
Oh I’m exhausted! I just got back from London, and all I want to do is have a cup of tea and watch Glee. Which I am doing. Full details of everything once tea levels have been suitably replenished, and I don’t feel like I have a ton of London dirt on my face. It […]