Oof. It’s been a while. It’s been so long that while these photos were taken on the hottest day of the year, we’re now deep in the autumn cooling down and I’m happily back in jumpers and jeans. Thankfully, this summer was significantly cooler than past years and we only had a few days of […]
Outfit Post
That Zara Dress
Perhaps it’s because I’m still reading British blogs and news, but it feels like you can’t go anywhere without seeing this Zara polka dot dress popping up, either in outfit pictures, sneaky photos taken in public or think pieces about why so many people have bought this dress. I can’t speak for anyone else, but […]
Stitch Fix – Take Three
So, time for my third Stitch Fix box. I’ve been really enjoying these boxes, especially since I realised that I can send messages to the stylist to let them know what’s going on. I sent the stylist a message before my box was sent to let them know that I’m not wearing jeans or trousers […]
Superheros and Coffee
A week after my surgery, SJ came to Seattle for a few days! It was pretty strange having her here – the last time I saw her was just over a year ago when we went to Ceres and I interrogated her over US spouse visas. We decided to spend Wednesday at Museum of Pop […]
Stitch Fix – A Second Go
In January, I tried out Stitch Fix for the first time and wasn’t super impressed with the items I received. I figured I’d give it a second go, because I suspect that boxes get better over time when the stylist gets to know what sort of thing you like. I changed my frequency to every […]