So my second week of training for the Race for Life has been non existant – I managed to catch Louise’s lurgy last weekend and have been feeling very sorry for myself! Hopefully with the clocks changing today, I will be more likely to go running after work, because it will be lighter longer. My […]
Lent 12/40
So it’s the second Sunday of Lent, time for a catchup on how it is going. This has been the most difficult thing I’ve given up, worse than when I gave up alcohol in the summer of 2005. Even worse than I gave up bread for Lent one year (I cracked in a week!) However, […]
Lent: 1/40
Today is the first day of Lent, and I’ve already had my willpower tested. I drink a LOT of tea. And everytime I make the tea (and a big cafitiere of coffee for the boys), I have to stand at the coffee machine and look at this: It takes 3 servings of hot water to […]
Snow, part 2
So I woke up this morning to a TwitterFon full of my London/South East friends all gloating that they had been building snowmen and having snowball fights at 2am while I was snug in my little bed. I looked at the iPhone weather thing, and once again Bristol was predicted to have snow. I turned […]
No Snow
Its been so so cold in Bristol lately, so when I woke up this morning, as usual I checked my Twitter, checked my emails and then checked the weather widget thing on my iPhone. I was far far too excited to see this: Look at that! A pretty little dusting of snow for today (also, […]