When I’m asked to describe my blog, I say that I’m partly a fashion blogger, but this is the first time I’ve done an outfit photo. Can it still be classed as an outfit photo when the only things I’m wearing are a dress from the collection Jasmine Guinness did a few years ago for […]
Back in the day (flipping heck, that makes me sound old!), I was a tad obsessed with Facebook. I honestly can’t remember when I first joined, but it was either while I was still at uni, or had just finished (I’m pretty sure it was back when you had to have an university email address […]
Happy Easter!
It’s amazing how much chocolate you can fit into a bag that was meant for mascara. I’m currently in my step-mums new pub in Cardiff, and currently in bed still – not because I am lazy, but because I don’t know the alarm codes to be able to go downstairs. I managed to hold out […]
Lent 12/40
So it’s the second Sunday of Lent, time for a catchup on how it is going. This has been the most difficult thing I’ve given up, worse than when I gave up alcohol in the summer of 2005. Even worse than I gave up bread for Lent one year (I cracked in a week!) However, […]
Lent: 1/40
Today is the first day of Lent, and I’ve already had my willpower tested. I drink a LOT of tea. And everytime I make the tea (and a big cafitiere of coffee for the boys), I have to stand at the coffee machine and look at this: It takes 3 servings of hot water to […]