One of the things I love about Twitter is that a simple passing comment to someone can suddenly turn into everyone piling in and discussing crap movies, old music and sleep overs! It all started with Sarah saying she was going to watch crappy movies, so I suggested Josie and the Pussycats (a modern classic […]
Hello MiFi v2
So you might have seen recently that I was trialling the MiFi from Three to see how I got on. My general response was that I liked the idea of it, but the design of the item was a bit meh. I don’t like buttons that I have to jab in a certain order, I […]
Review: Kick Ass
So after the fiasco (Isn’t that such a good word?) of the mixed up dates, I eventually saw Kick Ass. Unfortunatly Alex was finishing off packing to move to his new house (much closer to Bristol, only 10 mins on the direct bus from my house. Marv.) so I took along an old colleague, Nick, […]
Review: The Bounty Hunter
Theres a website called See Film First, which I am a member of. It gives away tickets for advance screenings of films. I signed up for it a while ago, but either the film offered wasn’t something I was particularly interested in, or it clashed with prior arrangements (always the way :( ) However, when […]
Review: Petite Belle
I had just finished reading Belle de Jours third book, “Playing the Game” when I saw Kate’s review of “Petite Anglaise“, by Catherine Sanderson. It reminded me that particular book was sitting on my bookshelf and had only been read once, so I picked it up and read. If you didn’t already know, both books […]