I’m a girl. I like techy stuff and toys and shiny shiny oooh pretty what do this bit do. So why, instead of appealing to me and making me go OOH WANT NOW, does this laptop make me annoyed? It links back, I guess, to the quick post I made recently about the Diet Coke […]
Random thoughts about technology that I just put here because...well why not
3D, shmee dee
It seems that everywhere you look these days, everything is in 3D. Well, duh, of course. What I mean by that is, from movies to tv’s, games consoles to magazines, 3D is the technology du jour. Magazines? That doesn’t seem right? This weeks issue of Grazia is a first apparently, where AR (augmented reality) codes […]
I Is For iPod; P For Progress
So me and Hayley (well, it was me) came up with the idea of guest-posting on eachother’s blog; mine being located at the “it means nothing, honest” foshiznik.com. Once this was agreed and WordPress account set up, the problems begin: what to write about? Should it be my take on something on Ceriselle – shoes, […]
Tweet Tweet (part 2)
When I first wrote about Twitter, back in August, not many people were using it that much. At the time, I was following (and was followed by) about 50 people, which was quite nice. Recently, it seems that Twitter has been picked up by more people, and has become more “mainstream” – we have celebrities […]
As Ed and I walked out of the cinema with Munchausen by Proxy playing over the end credits, we started talking about how good the soundtrack was. Without much of a thought, I pulled my iPhone from my pocket, searched the iTunes store and tapped to buy the album, before I had even left the […]