Four years ago, I had a beautiful new layout installed. I still really loved the layout (how can I not love the logo especially, when it is still so perfect for me?) but I felt like it needed freshening up a little – I especially wanted a responsive layout. I know I often read blog […]
I <3 My Host
So I’m an idiot. I wrote my post for Monday, and scheduled it to post around lunchtime, as I always do. After work, I got home and saw that while people were reading the post, there weren’t any comments, which made me wonder if there was a reason besides it was a crap post (I […]
The reason why I created my bloggers map (over 700 people on there now!) was because I wanted to meet up with bloggers in my area and have a cup of tea, and I assumed that others did too. Since creating it, I’ve noticed a lot more meetups being organised, and that is awesome. Its […]
IFB Project: Bloggers Toolkit
This weeks IFB Project task is to show what’s in your “blogger toolkit” – from notebooks to lipgloss, cameras to computers. I thought I’d share what I carry with me on a daily basis in the hope of making blogging easier. (10pm is not the best time to take photos apparently!) The three clipped bundles […]
UK Bloggers Map
(You can buy these map notebooks from inkwhimsy on Etsy!) Ever wondered if there were any bloggers near to you, but weren’t sure how to find out? Find yourself in a new city with time on your hands, and wanted to arrange a meetup? Just plain nosy? (Thats me) You may like to have a […]