Impromptu #blogclub planning session with @saintssoph at @prince_street_social – what a beautiful bar!
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Still a bit amazed at this – our latest #blogclub “sold out” within 4 hours yesterday! Can’t wait to see everyone!
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Very grateful to @bathandunwind for hosting tonights #blogclub. It’s always a lovely surprise to see businesses go out of their way to look after us – these cakes were made by the boss’ wife! (And they were excellent!)
photo by Black Heart Creatives Today marks a year since the very first #blogclub. Apparently I’ve never written about it here, which is weird since it was such a big part of last year so thought it was about time. A few years ago, I was thinking “hey, wouldn’t it be cool to have a…
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Thank you so much @britishfoodbcs for the spread at #blogclub!