So I’m an idiot. I wrote my post for Monday, and scheduled it to post around lunchtime, as I always do. After work, I got home and saw that while people were reading the post, there weren’t any comments, which made me wonder if there was a reason besides it was a crap post (I […]
A Very Bloggery Christmas
If you’ve been, oh, I don’t know, under a rock for the past few months, you might not have heard of They’re an online fashion community who focus on cities around the country – when I first blogged about them, they were just focusing on Bristol, but its awesome to see more and more […]
Burn Out
Although I still love blogging and the associated awesome things it brings, since starting my new job, I’ve been struggling to post. Whilst unemployed, I’d built up a small stash of posts to try and cover this gap, but here we are, writing this on my phone on the bus. Seriously, it’s like I’m back […]