A random browse on Amazon brought up this set of books by Kate Spade…I bought them on the basis of the cover alone, so I was very happy when I recieved them and they were just as, if not more so, beautiful on the inside. Here’s a few pages from the Occasions* book. This book […]
The reason why I created my bloggers map (over 700 people on there now!) was because I wanted to meet up with bloggers in my area and have a cup of tea, and I assumed that others did too. Since creating it, I’ve noticed a lot more meetups being organised, and that is awesome. Its […]
Tea Cups > Martini Glasses
Tea cups are great. So there. In fact, I prefer them to glasses. At Julians birthday gathering, he fed us all many many yummy cocktails, served in beautiful martini glasses that he’d bought from Habitat that morning. I like cocktail glasses, but I asked if I could have mine in one of Ally’s pretty tea […]