I’ve been to Holland a few times with my dad, and our favourite thing was Febo – a chain of automatiek restaurants where you put money in and get fast food out (Hey, I blogged about it in 2008! So long ago!) As far as I know, we don’t really have anything like this in […]
Tea and Cake
I like tea. I know, I’m just as surprised as you. I love baking as well, and have quite a few volunteers to “dispose” of my attempts. I thought I’d look at some new cupcake recipes to see if there was anything that contained tea flavouring. I’ve tried Earl Grey cupcakes at Swinky Sweets, but the bergamot flavouring […]
Cupcake Fondue
Oh. My. Word. Cupcake fondue. CUPCAKE. FONDUE. If you’ve ever read a girly blog in the past year or so, you’ll probably know that bloggers love cupcakes. Like, more than a friend. I honestly can’t see anything bad with this idea, who doesn’t love dipping food into food? Crazy people, thats who. And they just […]
House of Cupcakes
Quiz time! What food do bloggers apparently live off? If you answered cupcakes, then yes, you win a cupcake! When one of my old colleagues, Paul (whose personal blog, Dance Like A Dad, is very amusing) mentioned that his wife was going to start making cupcakes to sell, another colleague, Nick, suggested sending me some […]
Hide the Credit Card: Paperchase Cupcakes
I know, I know. I’m an enabler. Even if you don’t live near a Paperchase (lucky bastards), you can still succumb to the lovelyness, as they currently sell things via Amazon. (Paperchase have a new site coming in September, but I’m impatient and want to make you buy things now. I’m totally doing an evil […]