The great thing about Etsy is that you can find some pretty unique pieces of jewellery that not only look good, but aren’t overly expensive. These little rings from amerrymishap are about £11 at current exchange rates, and are gorgeous worn on their own or in a big group like in the first photo. The […]
I love Etsy. Sure, theres a lot of crap on there, but then, sometimes something lovely appears. Francesca Pasini has created a map of New York City using Regina Spektors lyrics – I didn’t realise how many of Regina’s songs mention New York! Unfortunatly it seems to be all sold out at the moment, but […]
Love, Letterpress
When Laura asked me what sort of things I liked so she could get an idea for my blog’s layout, one of the first things I mentioned was letterpress. Of course when I saw the cards from Sapling Press with quotes from Dear Blank Please Blank, I had to share them!
HtCC: Mano Bello
Etsy’s a pretty dangerous place. While there is a lot of…well, to put it politely, crap on there, there are so many gorgeous things. Everything in this post is from a little store called Mano Bello. Beautiful soft leather – the only problem is I’d like everything! I think this bracelet has to be my […]
HtCC: Wearable Planters
Wearable planters. Thats not me mistyping, you can have a little piece of greenery hanging around your neck. These pretty little planters are designed by Colleen Jordan and printed on a 3D printer (a bit of an obsession of mine at the moment, I’m fascinated with watching YouTube videos of things being printed!) Why should […]