I don’t know about you, but I’m nosy. I love the “whats in my make up bag” posts that have been going around, but I’m not really a make up bag sort of girl. (I do have a giant make up box that cost a painful £45 from Sallys a few years ago (but it…
Angry Birds – Apt Name
My first games console was one of the original game boys, but I’d been playing things like centipede and space invaders on my atari (painstakingly loaded from a cassette drive. Kids today have no idea of slow loading times.) However, I wouldn’t really class myself as a gamer. I have no patience with games, and…
And You’re Not Gonna Reach My Telephone
I think I’ve mentioned before that I love old fashioned styled telephones. I have a beautiful cream one (with proper bells in it!) but have moved house and no longer have a land line. I’ve tried to find a box to plug the phone into that would allow me to use it with my iPhone…
Quick iPhone Case
Its been a while since I’ve used the sewing machine (I was kinda put off since making ~20 meters of bunting for Lou and Naths wedding!) but I thought I should do something with this material which has been lurking around for about 3 years. I’ve put aside the main part of it for a…
I know, I know. I’ve said many times before about how much I love Polaroids.And although many people complain about the crappyness of the camera on the iPhone, I still use it because its just so handy to be able to upload it to Twitpic or onto this blog. Unfortunatly sometimes the pictures from the…