Yay! I abandoned my blog for the past week cause we’ve been having Internet issues at the flat. Annoyingly, this was a week that I actually had things to post! Even worse – I am writing this on my iPhone, yet didn’t think about that earlier in the week! Above is some graffiti that was…
Snow, part 2
So I woke up this morning to a TwitterFon full of my London/South East friends all gloating that they had been building snowmen and having snowball fights at 2am while I was snug in my little bed. I looked at the iPhone weather thing, and once again Bristol was predicted to have snow. I turned…
As Ed and I walked out of the cinema with Munchausen by Proxy playing over the end credits, we started talking about how good the soundtrack was. Without much of a thought, I pulled my iPhone from my pocket, searched the iTunes store and tapped to buy the album, before I had even left the…
Bullet (Point) Time
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the sound of a Hayley who is feeling so very very…well, meh It feels like everything thats been going on in the past few weeks – hell, the past few months! – has finally caught up with me and hit me with a good dose of exhaustion, aches and…
No Snow
Its been so so cold in Bristol lately, so when I woke up this morning, as usual I checked my Twitter, checked my emails and then checked the weather widget thing on my iPhone. I was far far too excited to see this: Look at that! A pretty little dusting of snow for today (also,…