??? My husband takes ice very seriously, and so does Ginny ? When we were negotiating to buy our house from the builder, we asked for an ice maker to be installed. The builder offered an ice maker from their preferred brand, and this started a collection of emails about the right kind of […]
IG photo
Oh hello there! I felt like it had been a while since you had seen my face in your timeline and I thought I’d reintroduce myself in case you don’t know who I am! My name is Hayley and I am a blogger. I have two blogs – ceriselle.org which is my personal “doing/thinking/wanting” site […]
Introducing: Bonjour, Blogger!
Well, this is awkward, dear blog. I’ve been neglecting you. Ironically, so I can write about blogging. I’m sorry. Let’s be friends again? For those who have no idea what I’m on about, or for those who have missed out on me talking about it (what feels like) constantly on Twitter, I’ve been busy the […]