I know that you’d expect this sort of post before Christmas, but to me, its in the first few months of the year when that it gets really cold and snowy that I want these sort of home comforts a lot more. Most important on my list would be a soft cotton robe* and cashmere…
Choosing One Is Hard
…iPad case that is. As I may have mentioned once or twice (or pretty much every day – #ipadwanker) the boyfriend bought me an iPad for my birthday. I stole….er, borrowed his Apple iPad case (well, he wasn’t using it!) He’d been tucking his iPad into his work notebook until I nicked his case, then…
Wacca Wacca Wacca
Everyone has played Pac Man at least once in their lives. Pac Man is 30 years old this year, and as part of the celebrations (did you play on the Google Doodle? Moleskine has released some limited edition notebooks to celebrate this. The notebooks come with certain graphics on the front, and little stickers with…