Oh. My. Word. Cupcake fondue. CUPCAKE. FONDUE. If you’ve ever read a girly blog in the past year or so, you’ll probably know that bloggers love cupcakes. Like, more than a friend. I honestly can’t see anything bad with this idea, who doesn’t love dipping food into food? Crazy people, thats who. And they just […]
om nom nom nom
Oh, I Have A Blog?
Has it really been that long since my last post? Shocking really. It seems that for the past month or so, I haven’t really spent much time in Bristol, as I’ve been visiting friends and attending weddings. (OK, just the one wedding, but it was really super). I’ve not even been on Facebook as much […]
Mmm, Food
Since Asda is good/evil enough to have Haagen-Dazs on special offer (£2 for a tub, om nom nom nom), we seem to have accumulated enough ice cream for a small army (or four girls) My favourite of these flavours is the Dulce du Leche, which is a caramelly swirled ice cream, and is possibly better […]