Look, I don’t want to scare anyone, but I wrote a blog post and it’s probably way too long and ~*no one reads blog posts anymore*~ but I like writing. It’s about things I use at the gym that are really useful to me, and maybe you would find it useful too!
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Missing Bristol a little bit today, after reading that my favourite diner is closing. Rocotillos was the place where we would always go to, somewhere that we would stop off after going out for a proper meal, somewhere that you never needed to really look at the menu, you knew you were getting that milkshake…
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Took this photo on Monday morning as the sun was rising, after I cleared the driveway so I could go to the gym. The snow has been enough to be annoying but not enough to be really fun – the driveways were melted completely by the time I got back from the gym on this…
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It’s dark and grey and damp outside and we have snow and temperatures that won’t reach over freezing due this week so I’m thinking about our holiday last year, and thinking about where we should go this year! (Oh yes. Apparently we do holidays yearly now instead of every 9 years ) I’d like to…
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I have been struggling to post on Instagram proper for a while because I’m so uncertain about what to talk about and whether anyone is listening, so here’s an old photo and a hope that I’m not just talking to myself!