Last weekend, as previously posted, a few girls and I took a delightful stroll around Clifton Village in pursuit of cake. I loved all the stops along the way, but the final stop at Cordial and Grace blew me away. I really like tea, I really like cake, and I really like crafting. So its […]
Tea and Cake
I like tea. I know, I’m just as surprised as you. I love baking as well, and have quite a few volunteers to “dispose” of my attempts. I thought I’d look at some new cupcake recipes to see if there was anything that contained tea flavouring. I’ve tried Earl Grey cupcakes at Swinky Sweets, but the bergamot flavouring […]
Tea in Bath
A few weeks ago, my friend Ally asked if I would like to go to a secret tea party in Bath. I heard tea, I said yes. What can I say, I’m predictable! I met Ally at Colonna & Small’s, a tiny espresso room just around the corner from the tea party venue, the 1805 […]
A Catch-Up In Pictures
I’ve been meaning to blog for a while, but for some reason, keep putting it off. So here is a little recap of the past two weeks for you while I try to remember about the Race for Life and write it down. Blogger fail. The queues for the museum on the first day of […]
How To Make A Pot Of Tea
Who knew tea bags were so exciting?