Last week I took a little wander up Gloucester Road, for a bit of charity shop scouting when I came across Cox and Baloney Vintage Boutique on Cheltenham Road. The name rang a bell, as I’ve picked up so many of their postcards at other shops, thinking I must visit, but had never had the […]
Tea in Bath
A few weeks ago, my friend Ally asked if I would like to go to a secret tea party in Bath. I heard tea, I said yes. What can I say, I’m predictable! I met Ally at Colonna & Small’s, a tiny espresso room just around the corner from the tea party venue, the 1805 […]
Hide the Credit Card: ModCloth
As many of my friends would tell you, I love old fashioned fashions. I also adore dressing up. So when a newsletter from appeared, collecting lots of things under the banner Vintage Wedding Style, I squealed in excitement. Here are a few of my choices of dresses that I wish I could wear every […]